Extensive Thoughts: Do Your Best


The astonishing sculptures stand for the symbols of history and do not rise up automatically.  They are sculptured by expert sculptors chiseling to remove unwanted pieces.  The stone should be firm in quality to hold the sculpture so then, it can be formed as a sculpture. Similarly, the human does not have any special quality when born. The persons who are admired by us, are chiseled by challenges, sculpted inch by inch through their experiences. They are honored by the people beyond their lifetime because they confront adverse and challenging conditions with a firm mind.
Great accomplishment is nothing but a collection of small works.  So every tiny action should be done with sincere and regulative order.  If anything of those has been done with carelessness, it spoils the rest.  No one used to fall down by a huge rock, but the small stone would slip and tumble. So we should work full of care in the limit of rules and regulations. This will improve our work towards achievement.
Disciplined skill:
Continuous action with discipline will give more experience, and it will manifest as a skill.   This skill will give the confidence to secure others also.  In 2009, the pilot Chesley Sullen Berger flew his plane to New York. But the engines were suddenly broken down. Immediately the pilot ditched the plane into the freezing Hudson River. Because of his action, all passengers were saved on that plane.  The pilot was appreciated by all for saving the people through his spontaneous action in that crucial situation.
“The pilot used to take off and land the aircraft on the runway consistently throughout his career ” is known as work discipline.  He then drowned the aircraft knowingly in the river in an emergency and saved all the passengers is known as his deciding capacity which is a skill in need.  So, proper learning and consistently practicing anything is considered ethics.
Doing Best:
We should put our effort to learn anything with full commitment and then execute it properly which will lead us to get good experience.  If we do so with sincerity, the whole set of experiences will grow as lifetime achievements.
#This is the English version of Seivana Thirunththa Sei, in Thannambikkai Thuligal.  This is not an absolute translation, but the content is in the same tone.


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