Extensive Thoughts: Foundation of Social Change .

Birds and animals did not make any major changes in their way of life since their inception in the world.  Even their unique abilities, which have been passed on through genetics, did not modify anything in their method. But the man alone seems to change various lifestyles and strive towards growth, set his own canons, and live morally. Always human think about their descendants and will be able to live higher than themselves.  That is why man has considered being insightful.
Our ancestors are ingenious in education, extraordinary talents in engineering structures, amazing arts, astonishing scientific calculations, and tremendous natural pharmacology.  They laid a strong foundation for us.  Due to this, nowadays we can see excellency in these sectors. Thus coming generations upgrading in the fields of science and technology are outstanding achievements for the world.
Man has achieved so many things, even though he has faced some problems by losing his humanity. That is the main cause of social illness. Desire is the reason to do anything better. But in present days it changes to greed.  Thus love became lust, profit by profiteering, freedom without safe, equalities loses their equilibrium, presents offered for bribing, and success became arrogant nature.  Thus, all the good senses are expressed without the humanity of this situation is the tag for social contamination.    
Now is the alarm time to reform social regeneration.  A change of thinking in every individual is needed to rectify this situation.   Upcoming new changes should be the development of society, then we will consider the changes are the forward step of civilized society.
Home is the basis for any major change.  Home is not only for shelter, but it is also the university to train good characters.  The parents have the responsibility for instilling personal discipline and their activities. Parents spend their whole life in fulfilling their children’s needs.  Demand for economic needs has no limit that’s why parents are so tired to run through it, then they have no energy to nurture their children’s character and no time to correct mistakes if they do anything wrong.  Because of this, these parents lose their dignity at an older age by their children’s greedy nature without compassion.
Blaming others or blindly supporting mischievous children for the sake of condemning them is a sin for society.  So parents must guide their children through their own activities with a firm mind. Showing unconditional love with conditioned morals is the way to feel secure. The most important duty of the parents is to bring up their children as self-disciplined citizens with humanity. This is the stepping stone to constructing a civilized society.
All children are born with divine qualities. After they were grown up, they differed because of part-time parenting. Children should feel the warmth of their family and being part of the family is a safe situation for them.  This initiative will elevate them to give the same warmth and safety to society as responsible people.  Thus, they can grow as part of a civilized society and become better human beings.  Individual morality is a unit of social morality. Let’s all start making good changes for the community from home.   Such a positive change will create a fully enlightened, human society.  Only then we can all live proudly with the complete success of civilized human society.
#This is the English version of  Samooga Maatram, Etramaa? in Thannambikkai Thuligal.  This is not an absolute translation, but the content is in the same tone.


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