Extensive Thoughts: Way To Attract Opportunity


The world admires the people who climb Mount Everest.  There is no treasure at the top of the peak. No changes are going to happen in the world after this mountaineering.  Yet the world marvels at those who reach the summit of that lofty peak. We should realize and need this determination to achieve in this world. Because of one’s determination or effort invested, the world celebrates a victory.  The challenges of the highest peak, they should face a frozen cold climate and declining health conditions due to oxygen levels.  Their planning to approach such challenges is an introductory lesson for people to lead their life successfully.


The best-planned mountaineering can also meet more severe situations than expected, and also they lose their fellow travelers.  The resulting stress is challenging to manage, but the mountaineers have to pass over all the obstacles and go forward with great perseverance and determination.  This is a great motivation for people to meet challenges in their practical life.


Always life is about opportunities.  At every stage, life depends on what we choose to do within the options right in front of us.  The person who tried their level best may not be the winner.  Those who won themself will be the winner.  The travel of life also has many obstacles, proper planning and well preparations help us to travel with hope.  But the success of life depends upon our own determination.


If we think, we will wake up early in the morning, it is known as planning.  Setting up an alarm is preparation.  In the morning the alarm rings, and our next action will depend on the opportunities we choose right in front of us.  So, success and failure are nothing but, what we have chosen as opportunities.


When choosing the goal, it must be suitable for us is very important.  Reasonable effort, proper training, and hard work should be considered as ways to attract good opportunities to do.  We must have high morale as the one and only choice.  Then we walk constantly on the moral path. This is the way to get success by using opportunities.


#This is the English version of  Vaaippukkalai Vasamaakkum Vazhi in Thannambikkai Thuligal.  This is not an absolute translation, but the content is in the same tone.


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